Saturday 21 May 2011

The Europe Part 1 - Barcelona

I've been to Europe twice till date so hence this post is still under the title of The Europe Part 1.

Just to mention briefly, the first trip to Europe was London, Barcelona and Paris in winter 2007. The second time was to Italy, Switzerland and Paris (again) in spring/summer 2010.

If you ask me, I personally like London for its historical culture and awe, Barcelona for its services and its warm welcome to foreigners. Paris is more of a place for fashion and Italy for its heritage and history.

So this post is dedicated to Barcelona. Oh, and did I mention that they have pretty faces where-ever you go?

Barcelona is a lively city with beautiful architecture, culture, dance, food and it has the best sales service I've ever had in Europe.

Street of Barcelona

Casa Mila
Hotel Majestic. Beautiful!

Casa Batllo - skeleton lookalike building
Art Performer at La Rambla

Everyone should visit La Rambla. It's alive! It totally is. It is the arts and culture center that everyone must go!

This is the Old Harbour
Port de Barcelona

Statue of Christopher Columbus
Opps, his head got cut off. Oppsies.

Statue of Christopher Columbus

This is the hotel I stayed in. Very modern, very comfortable and very clean. It's call Evenia Rossello. It is located at Rossello 191-08036 Barcelona. Tel: (+34) 932386355. I've got it's namecard here with me. Hooray! It's located further into the streets but around a 10-15mins walk you should get to the shopping district. And along the way, there are cafes and bakeries. Very tempting, very declicious. You won't believe its bakery standards, the window displays and the food. The sad thing is, it's forbidden to take pictures. Oh, and there's a supermarket opposite the hotel. Convenient!

This 2 towers are also relatively an icon in Barcelona. Taken while travelling on bus.

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This man here is selling fake goods. And he is holding on the the rope tied to the ends of the mat-cloth. So when the police comes, he just need to tighten the ropes and run away with his goods. Very clever.

And the very famous dance - flamenco dance!!
I forgot where this is located but it serves dinner. So it's a dinner dance kinda set up.

I've also visited the Barcelona Cathedral. But it was renovating hence no picture taken as it was covered up. There was a flea market when I was there. Nice.  Barcelona Cathedral

The only regret I have is not seeing the famous Sagrada Familia. Sagrada Família A magnificent building. And why is that so? Because I was on free and easy tour and my mom refused to get there. It is a must go! But she didn't know. I still feel a sense of lost today. I lost my chance back then, but it is okay, as I will definitely go back to Spain and definitely visit Portugal. :) But I'll have to save up another $5000 before I get get myself there. :(

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