Saturday 21 May 2011

The Europe Part 1 - London

I went to London, Barcelona and Paris in winter 2007.

It was my first time in Europe and was very ecstatic about it. I can't remember the exact bus and train I took, nor do I have the map to show you where I've been, but I do have some pictures to show.

This above, is the Westminister Abby.

And this, is the Parliament House. Taken on the cruise when the sun was setting at around 2-3pm.
Tower Bridge- River Thames
This is definitely an icon. So famous, everyone with a televsion set at home in the late 1980s and early 1990s should know. It was featured in one of the television network. I don't remember which network but the sound of the theme still lingers in my ears.

Tower of London
If you have the opportunity, please go. Highly recommended. It's pretty a place of torture but other than that, there are jewels, crowns for you to admire. Weapons to see and stories to hear. Oh, it's also next to Tower Bridge.

London Eye

This is the St. George Chapel, Windsor Castle
Fantastic hotel, great interior, very very cosy!
I didn't actually stay in this hotel, but I kinda stepped inside and took an hour break.

I believe this is Queen Victoria (not sure), in Kensington Place

The Serpentine Lake, also in Kensington Palace

Road leading to the Kensington Palace
I enjoyed my long long walk into the Kensington Palace, it's definitely a great place to scroll and have a leisure walk with the kids or with an elderly. It also houses memories of late Princess Diana. I remember there were gowns she wore, pictures of her and videos clips of her.

The famous Buckingham Palace

Admiralty Arch near Trafalgar Square
If you realised, the middle gate is actually closed. Now you should have guessed who could drive through the gate.

This picture was actually taken outside Harrods
Picture taken right outside of Harrods. Tulips. Someone told me there isn't any tulips in Singapore. I argued I've seen them. He refused to believe and said it was something else I mistaken for as tulips. Man... There are tulips here! Oh boy.

An actual picture taken by me. Very postcard like.
 I really don't remember where I took this picture! Was it near Windsor Castle?

When you reach, you step into the "admin entry zone" and take a 30s to a minute walk through a tunnel like route before you can actually see the Stonehedge. You can't get close to the rocks as there are fences and it's a big round-walk-about... So you see Stonehedge in 360 degrees. Toilets are outside. Not very clean, pretty wet but oh well, what can you expect when thousand of visitors come and go.

The Great Bath in the Roman Bath
Random shot of street - Bath
Bath - I only spent a day there as it was a day tour. I joined Evans and Evans and the lady tour guide could speak Japanese fluently. Although the sun set pretty early as it was winter time, and the lights were very dim, but I could still feel the cosy warm welcoming feeling from the locals and crowds.

Royal National Hotel
This is the hotel I stayed in during my stay in London. The room is ok, but don't expect too much. It's decent but not classy or comtempary. Noise travels loud and clear. But it serves basic needs. It has good location as it's near the British Museum and UOL. Going to main district shopping area like Oxford Street/ Selfridges takes about 5-10mins by taxi.

And because I watch TV when I was in the room, the comedy I watched, which I still remember, was Father Ted, and the episode was Lingerie Escapade. You may catch it on YouTube.

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